When you have a financial interest in a struggling business, nothing matters more than taking swift action to protect your position. Businesses can find themselves in trouble out of no fault of their own or it may be a result of one of the business units taking the entire organisation over the edge.
Corporate reorganisations, debt-restructurings, informal work-outs and formal insolvency procedures are increasingly being adopted by businessmen and creditors today. They realise that there are more options to deal with a business that is not doing well financially, than just winding it up. Such alternative solutions often offer mutual benefits to all parties involved.
Pinebridge’s Corporate Recovery team has extensive experience in all forms of corporate recovery assignments, business reviews and reconstructions, investigations and formal insolvency proceedings. They offer expertise based on hands-on experience working in numerous industry sectors, and on projects involving multiple international locations.
We work with you to assess contributing factors and determine future prospects. Our ‘early intervention’ approach ensures you benefit from immediate expert opinion and analysis. This critical information exposes you to key areas of concern and potential opportunities to reduce your risks.
Our recovery services involve:
• Debt re-negotiation
• Director obligation advice
• Early intervention advice
• Investigation of accountants' reports
• Investigations
• Representation at creditor meetings
• Workouts and reconstructions.
Our formal insolvency services include:
• Court Winding Up
• Receiverships
• Judicial Management
• Scheme Administration
• Liquidation/ Insolvency Singapore
- Creditors’ Voluntary Winding Up
- Members’ Voluntary Winding Up
• Agent for Mortgagee-in-possession